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    • RPGs with hidden forums.
    • RPGs not reciprocating Forum Roleplay's topsite voting link.
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Touch the Sky
241 An au warrior cats rp set in the beautiful yosemite national park region of America. We offer well developed fan clans, a playable Starclan, and a reincarnation capability for qualifying cats. In: 11
Out: 15

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242 We are an 18+ lore-heavy, original fantasy roleplay set within a world similar to Earth known as Vaer. It is a realm divided into three major continents with many powerful nations scattered across its globe. Not only does Vaer hold many kingdoms, but it i In: 11
Out: 1

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World of Pern
243 Canon, 18+, est 2012. Set on the brink of the 4th Pass, following the re-establishment of the Northern Weyrs after a catastrophic landslide in the South, which took out a large portion of the Riders In: 11
Out: 4

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La Cabale
244 La Cabale is a secret organization that has existed for over a thousand years. It protects supernatural beings, provide them with services and has even built a town when time of need arose. Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Fae and gifted humans available. In: 11
Out: 27

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Hunger Games: The RPG
245 Based on the novels by Suzanne Collins, HGRPG is set in an alternate universe where Katniss & Peeta never existed, the rebellion never took off & the games continue on each year. Join us for our tri-annual Hunger Games with our DND-style combat system! In: 11
Out: 1

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Advent Destiny
246 Advent Destiny is a Gundam role play community. Join an existing RP or start one in your preferred Gundam universe. We love Gundam and RP. In: 11
Out: 2

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Aphalia | An Animanga Fantasy RP
247 In a star full of gods and mistakes, it's been 88 years since a war between races ended in begrudging peace. With tensions still brewing and the world evolving, will it's inhabitants share the land or will more conflicts be fated to rise? In: 10
Out: 0

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Days After
248 A blast destroyed the planet as they knew it. They thought they were the only to survive. Once the bunker releases them after 200 years- they find out other wise. We are a original sci-fi survival rp set in a desolate future. In: 10
Out: 6

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249 The lands of Aglaia are beautiful, untainted and free of human life.
The storms that drove the humans away are remembered by the only beings that remained, the cats.
In: 10
Out: 31

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No Gods, No Masters [AU Marauders' Era HP]
250 The Ministry of Magic has been thrown into chaos & the Order of the Phoenix is struggling against the Death Eaters. But a new entity has emerged – the Order of the Unseen is here to sow chaos & disrupt the already fragile state of the wizarding world. In: 10
Out: 0

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Tranquil Heights
251 Set on a small island near New York called Luna island, sits a large asylum. The island got the name as at one point it believed that the insane were tied to the changing of the moon. Though then, most people just called it Lunatic island. Tranquil Height In: 10
Out: 27

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Darkly Charmed
252 It's 2052 and magic has been exposed to the world. The Underworld has succeeded in exposing
a destroying the Charmed Ones. Witch hunts came and the Halliwell line scattered for safety.
An earthquake, the Big One they all dreaded finally came and nearly
In: 9
Out: 7

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The Reckless Kind
253 THE RECKLESS KIND is a modern supernatural site based on werecreatures and set in a fictionalized small town.
Within the territory, are 5 groups who protect the land. Recently, sacred grounds around the world are being destroyed & it looks like Somerset
In: 9
Out: 3

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The Arrow
254 Plot ⋯ Cannons ⋯ Rules ⋯ F.A.Q. ⋯ Wanted Ads ⋯ The Arrow RP You Tube Video

Based on the CW TV Shows only * Small active board * No Minimum WC * Friendly * Active Staff

If you like the CW universe with a bit of AU, you'll absolutely love t
In: 9
Out: 6

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Axis Mundi
255 Axis Mundi is an AU Marvel/DC crossover site that takes inspiration from the cinematic and comic universes. We've been open since July 2017 and are hosted on jcink's premium service. We allow for canons and OCs to be played! In: 9
Out: 7

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Last Update: Mon, 03.10.25 13:25
Next Update: Mon, 03.10.25 13:55
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Sites: 418

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